Guide to growing bluebells
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is not surprising that bluebells are one of the UK’s most loved wildflowers. They add a welcome splash of colour throughout woodlands and gardens in spring.
Native English bluebells are relatively easy to grow and quick to spread, even in shady spots, so you can easily create your own bluebell display at home.
To help you to successfully grow an abundance of beautiful bluebells in your garden, we have put together this guide filled with tips and abroad.
Get bulbs not seeds
Seeds can take up to seven years to reach flowering size, whereas bluebell bulbs often sprout in the first year and can flower in as little as two years.
You can get dry bulbs year-round, but the best type of bulb to get are ones that are in the green (during active growth in spring), as they are more likely to grow successfully and will flower sooner.
Plant in ideal conditions
Bluebells will grow best in moist, well-drained soil in partial shade. If possible, plant under deciduous trees, which will provide ample shade, and with plenty of leaf litter.
If you plant bluebells in grass, make sure you do not mow the grass until all of the leaves have died down.
When planting in the green bulbs, replant them at the depth they were planted previously. Where the colour of the foliage changes from white to green is where the top of the soil should be, so the white section will be beneath ground and the green above.
If you have dry bulbs, plant these 10cm beneath the surface, ensuring the pointed tip is facing upwards.
Mimic nature
To achieve a natural display of bluebells which mimics wild ones found in woodlands, you should scatter the bulbs or have them spread out.
Plant them either in small clusters at least 10cm apart from one another, or throw them so they spread out and plant them where they land.
Water well and be patient
After you have planted your bulbs, be sure to water them well. You may not see growth or flowers within a couple of years but be patient.
Once you start seeing leaves and flowers, do not cut off the foliage. This will hinder the growth and future regrowth of the bluebells.
For expert advice on growing bluebells or and help with selecting the best bluebell bulbs for your garden, get in touch with our team on 01775 769333 or email
The Boston Bulb Company has over 40 years of experience in supplying only the finest quality horticultural products from farmers and growers throughout the UK and Europe.