October Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Monthly Gardening Jobs

- Pick up and burn any diseased rose leaves.
- Remove saucers from under plants to avoid frost damage.
- Plant your spring flowering bulbs except tulips which can wait until next month.
- Lift main crop potatoes.
- Rake fallen leaves and stack them to make leaf mould.
- Weed paths before winter.
- Plant indoor flower bulbs in to pots.
- Sow new lawns to enable them to establish by winter.
- Mow lawns closely for the last time.
- Turn compost heaps and tidy them up for winter.
- Net your ponds if you have not already done so.
- Tie in new growth on climbers to prevent damage from the weather.
- Sow green manure on bare ground in the vegetable garden.
- Sow hardy broad beans and peas.
- Start to protect garden furniture, plants and garden pots from the winter ahead.
- Order your spring flowering bulbs and gifts for Christmas.
- Plant flower bulbs such as snowdrops, crocus and daffodils in lawns.
- Empty pots, tubs, containers and hanging baskets of summer bedding.