November Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Monthly Gardening Jobs

- Plant spring flowering bulbs, in particular tulips.
- Plant garlic cloves in milder climates.
- Dig over empty borders, particularly vegetable plots so the frost can break down any clods.
- Plant winter bedding pansies, violas and wall flowers.
- Keep clearing fallen leaves from the lawn and flower beds.
- Clean greenhouses and cold frame glass.
- Hoe any weeds before they take hold.
- Clean out bird nesting boxes, always wear gloves to avoid parasites.
- Check stored fruit and vegetables. Remove any rotten or decayed ones.
- Sow broad beans and peas.
- Prepare your lawn ready for winter.
- Apply a thick mulch to your borders, especially ones with less hardy plants.
- Buy your spring flowering bulbs, garden gifts and accessories.