May Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Mulch your borders to suppress weeds and help retain moisture.
- Put gravel filled saucers under pots to reduce watering.
- Keep young plants growing strongly with an application of liquid fertiliser.
- Harden off young plants gradually by putting them outdoors during the day or leaving greenhouse doors and windows open.
- Prepare containers for summer displays.
- Bulbs can be trenched in to the garden to allow them to die back naturally before storing.
- Keep check for pest infestation and treat immediately once sighted.
- Greenhouse tomatoes should be growing rapidly. Tie them in and feed with liquid fertiliser regularly.
- Keep feeding wild birds.
- Remove suckers from shrubs and roses at ground level.
- Net brassicas to keep off cabbage white butterflies.
- Once risk of frost has passed, plant out and stake dahlias.
- Sow french beans individually in pots for planting out next month.
- Gradually lower mower blades and cut at more regular intervals.
- Protect frost tender plants with fleece.
- Keep on top of any weed growth, hoe between crops and flowers regularly.
- Lift and divide larger clumps of daffodils and any other over crowded spring bulb varieties that have finished flowering.
- Water plants early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid drying out.