March Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Monthly Gardening Jobs

Now is the time to order your summer flowering bulbs such as dahlias, gladioli, begonias and miscellaneous. It would be a good time to cut back hedges before birds start to nest and consider planting new trees, hedges, climbers and roses.
- Cut back hedges before wild birds start to nest.
- Start to prune roses removing dead, damaged or diseased stems.
- Keep off the grass during frosty conditions.
- Plant up growbags with seed potatoes, tomato plants, beetroot, carrots, peas and beans.
- Protect young plants against slugs and snails.
- Plant lilies in borders or pots.
- Order onion sets, shallots and main crop seed potatoes.
- Keep feeding wild birds prior to nesting.
- Prepare seed beds in fine dry weather. Cover with fleece to improve soil temperatures.
- Dig over wintered green manures for planting within a couple of weeks.
- Plant snowdrops in the green once flowers have finished. The plants establish quicker this way.
- In a mild winter give your lawns a first cut, ensure mowers are on a high setting then rake and feed.
- Start sprouting dahlias in warm conditions.
- Pick off developing seed heads on daffodils and other spring bulbs but leave the foliage to die back naturally.
- Plant forced bulbs which have finished flowering into the garden.
- Now is a good time to plant roses and shrubs.