June Monthly Gardening Jobs
  • Deadhead roses and border flowers regularly to encourage more blooms to grow during the summer.
  • Keep weeds in check.
  • If the weather is dry raise lawn mower blades to help keep the grass looking green.
  • Open greenhouse doors and windows for good circulation and use blinds for shading to avoid plant scorching.
  • Spray tomato flowers with water to encourage the fruit to set.
  • Plant main crop carrots and protect from root fly.
  • Prune established spring flowering shrubs by removing a third of the oldest stems and trim the rest back in to a neat shape.
  • Remember to keep plants well watered.
  • Fork over the compost heap.
  • Clean down patio furniture and barbeque.
  • Keep bird baths filled with water and continue feeding.
  • Clear weeds and grasses from around fruit trees and mulch after rain.
  • Stand house plants outdoors in a gentle summer rain to both clean and revitalise the plants.
  • Scatter straw around strawberry plants to protect against birds.
  • Sow your final pea crop at the end of the month.
  • Water plants twice a day in hot weather.
  • Stock the wine rack and enjoy the fruits of your labour.
  • Lift tulip bulbs and store ready for replanting in the autumn.



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