February Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Monthly Gardening Jobs
You would like to think winter has passed its peak and gardening can start in earnest, but nature has a habit of challenging even the wisest gardener.
- Prune weak growth from early summer flowering clematis and for later flowering forms trim back to 15-30cm from the ground.
- Now is a good time to cut back old stems in herbaceous borders and check any plant supports and under go any necessary repairs before the plants start to show growth.
- In dry conditions plant lily bulbs in well drained soil, enriched with rotted organic manure.
- Dig in over wintered green manures ready for sowing and planting.
- Start sprouting (chitting) potato tubers by setting them in egg boxes in a cool but frost free position in good light.
- Direct sow peas and broad beans under fleece towards the end of the month.
- Pruning of apples, pears, currants and gooseberries should be completed by the end of this month.
- Remember to cut away any dead, damaged and diseased wood and then burn to dispose off.
- Plant flower bulbs in the green, only cover the bulb and the white part of the growing stem.
- Sprinkle slow release fertiliser around the base of roses and other shrubs.
- Pot up containers with hardy spring bedding.
- Some First Early potato varieties can be planted in the greenhouse from seed that was chitted 6 weeks prior mid-late January.