August Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Monthly Gardening Jobs

- Cut gladioli stems for indoor flower displays.
- Keep wild bird baths filled and top up ponds, Light feeding helps prepare for the winter months.
- Prune rambling and climbing roses after flowering. For ramblers take out one old stem. For climbers cut back above a strong side shoot low down on the plant.
- Tidy the greenhouse and cold frames before you bring plants undercover in September.
- Liquid feed any greenhouse crops once a week.
- Lift onions and garlic and allow to dry before storing in nets.
- Check for potato blight and remove any infected leaves, in severe cases remove all foliage and wait three weeks before digging the tubers.
- Buy your Japanese onion sets.
- Keep feeding patio containers and hanging baskets.
- Sow green manures on any bareground in the vegetable garden, this helps nourish the soil.
- Sow the last batch of carrots
- Pinch out the tops of climbing beans to encourage new growth.
- Pinch out side shoots on tomatoes to divert the plants energy into fruit development.
- Water containers and hanging baskets regularly and feed once a week with liquid fertiliser.
- Enjoy evenings on the patio or in the summer house.
- Start looking at our wide range of autumn planting flower bulbs.
- Deadhead dahlias and other perennials to encourage a continued display of flowers.
- Keep Camellias and Rhododendrons well watered through late summer while their flower beds are forming.
- Strim or mow areas of wild flower meadow down to between 50-70cm now the plants have scattered their seed.