April Monthly Gardening Jobs
- Monthly Gardening Jobs

- Dead head naturalised bulbs to keep them vigourous and healthy.
- Prick out and pot on seedlings before they become overcrowded.
- Re-pot container plants which are pot bound. Gently loosen the rootball before placing in to a larger container.
- Now is the time to weed borders and protect any young shooting plants with fleece.
- Rake moss from lawns with a spring rake towards the end of the month.
- Continue with your slug and snail control.
- Ventilate greenhouses in good weather to help prevent a build up of pest and disease.
- Feed and water plants in greenhouses and cold frames.
- This is the month to start sowing many of your salad vegetables.
- Deadhead daffodils as soon as the flowers fade.
- Maintain a high setting on your lawn mower to protect against late frosts and weed invasion.
- Feed wild birds duing the nesting period and keep a good supply of water available and top up bird baths and ponds.
- Stake tall growing perennials.
- Give roses and shrubs a feed of slow release fertiliser.
- Plant trees, climbers and shrubs before the weather warms up.
- Add aquatic plants such as water lilies to your garden pond.
- Sow new lawn areas with grass seed.